- Work from home Guidelines and Online Learning Arrangements regarding Particulate Matters (PM2.5)
- Tuition Fee
- Enforcement of Smoking Free Policy in MUIDS
- Tuition Fee
- Policy on Late School Tuition Payments and Associated Fines
- Online Admissions Exams on October 2nd & 3rd, 2021
- Online Learning Starting August 2nd
- Tuition Fee Extension
- May 2021 Reopening Postponement
- Online Learning after Songkran Break
- Songkran announcement
- Online Learning - April 2nd
- 2021-2022 Admissions Dates
- 3rd Cycle Admissions Criteria
- Travel Requirements
- Public Health Guidelines
- School Reopening
- Nakhon Pathom Opening Announcement
- Covid-19 Insurance for Students
- School Opening on February 15th
- Campus Opening Postponement.January 26th
- Online Learning Extension
- Campus Opening Postponement
- COVID-19 December 2020 Announcement
- 2020-2021 Air Quality Policy
- 2020-2021 3rd Cycle Admissions: Test Date Change
- 19th of November 2020 Holiday Announcement
- After School Policy
- Development Hours
- Covid-19 Prevention Measures
- E-Learning Management Amendment 1
- 2.3.2020 COVID-19_TH for student No.15
- 16.3.2020 Academic Timeline
- 26.5.2020 E-Learning Management Announcement At 24_Page_1
- 26.5.2020 E-Learning Management Announcement At 24_Page_2
- 26.5.2020 Th E-learning Management Page 1
- 26.5.2020 Th E-learning Management Page 2
- 28.2.2020 COVID-19_ENG_No. 014
- 28.2.2020 COVID-19_TH for staff
- The Progress Report on the School's Development as Smoke-Free Community
- 053.2564 Tuition Fee (No Insurance)
- 053.2564 Graduation Package Details
- 051.2564 Security deposit and textbook insurance refund 2020-2021
- Announcement for Graduation Package 2020-2021
- Announcement 058_2563 Subject: Criteria and Fees for Mathayomsuksa 4-6 Students (Grade 10-12) of Academic Year 2020
- Security Deposit and Textbook Insurance 2020
- Graduation Packages 2020
- Prom Night 2020
- Check Clearing, Expired Checks, and Cash Back Policy
- Announcement 063_2562 Subject: Configuring model books for grade 10 and 11 students on graduation opportunities Of mathayom suksa six students (grade 12) academic year 2019-2020
- Announcement 056_2562 Re: Rules for Collection of Damage in Assets International Demonstration School Mahidol University
- Announcement 046_2562 Re: Criteria and Fines for Late Fees for Education Fees Of the international demonstration school Mahidol University
- Announcement 036_2562 Subject : AP Exam Fee Rates for Mathayomsuksa 6 Students ( Grade 12 ) Academic Year 1969
- Announcement 023_2562 Subject: Notification of student transfer fees of the International Demonstration School Mahidol University
- Week Without Walls Grade 12 (2019)
- Week Without Walls Grade 11 (2019)
- Week Without Walls Grade 10 (2019)
- students studying case studies in other schools around the country (Exchange Program)
- Announcement 004_2557 Re: Rules for returning tuition fees In case of not wanting to be a student of the International Demonstration School Mahidol University
The Mahidol University International Demonstration School, hereafter referred to as MUIDS or the School strongly believes in safeguarding the wellbeing of its community. To that end, MUIDS invests substantial effort towards protecting all their stakeholders including Students, Parents and MUIDS’ employees. To achieve these goals, we’ve adopted the following policies and will continuously monitor and review our policies to ensure we are complaint with Thailand’s PDPA (Personal Data Protection Act of 2019).
- Stakeholders include
- Staff and or individuals employed by MUIDS in any capacity, including full-time and part-time employees. This excludes contracted companies and individuals.
- Students are current, prospective or past students (Alumni) enrolled at MUIDS.
- Parents are current, prospective or past parents, and/or legal guardians, of a student or students at MUIDS.
- Third parties are individuals or organizations that are not affiliated with or employed by MUIDS.
- Personal information constitutes the full legal name, personal address, personal contact information and school records of an individual. It does not include identification numbers, names of staff, or titles and business contact information of staff.
Cookies & Tracking
MUIDS utilizes Google Analytics along with the Facebook’s Pixel plugin in tracking visitors to the school’s website (https://muids.mahidol.ac.th/). This information is not and cannot be used to identify personal information (such as, name, age, gender, contact details, address, etc..). The data collected is merely for MUIDS to better develop an understanding of the demographics visiting the website so the school can improve the content and ensure it is better catered to its target audience; We use the data onto to create identifiable trends with the goal of improving the school’s website and web-based service offerings using cookies – we are also committed that our end users have complete control of whether and which of their cookies are stored.
Cookies: are small pieces of information stored on your computer (Browser) to indicate sites that you have visited – and are used only in conjunction with Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel for the purpose of enhancing the School’s website.
Learn more
- Google Analytics
- Facebook Pixel
School Information Systems - Policies
MUIDS will make these policies publicly accessible, and will make every reasonable effort to ensure that all personal information is protected. This includes the storing of all personal information only in password-protected databases.
- Personal information of all stakeholders (students, parents and staff) of MUIDS is stored within PowerSchool Systems. PowerSchool Group LLC maintains a detailed and strict privacy and security policy certified by AIPCO and ISO and can be accessed here: https://www.powerschool.com/privacy/#iiia
- To ensure data security MUIDS’s servers are all hosted on-site or on-premise, and Personal Information is not stored or transmitted to any 3rd party or cloud service.
- All reasonable efforts to keep PowerSchool System and our Server’s Operating System up to date is carried out frequently keeping without disrupting the server uptime.
- All staff, parents, students and alumni agree upon initiating their relationship with MUIDS that the School shall keep their personal information on file in PowerSchool for the duration of their time as members of the School community as a matter of academic record, evidence of services rendered and/or as evidence of employment.
- MUIDS will not disclose the personal information of a student to third parties without the consent of the student’s parent or legal guardian. This excludes non-identifiable disclosure of academic records for the purposes of accreditation, academic research, statistical analysis, and disclosure under subpoena by Thai law.
- As indicated in the MUIDS enrollment documents, MUIDS reserves the right to use photographs and other visual media containing the images of MUIDS parents, students and alumni in online and print media. In such cases the school will not post the full legal names of students or alumni who have yet to reach the age of 18 with that media, unless permission is granted from parents, to preserve their privacy.
- Instances of online media include, but are not limited to, the MUIDS website, social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Linked-in, news sites, and third parties which have been granted permission by MUIDS for the purposes of promotion of education-related content.
- Instances of print media include, but are not limited to, school brochures and flyers, the school magazine, advertisements, newspapers and magazines that publish MUIDS press releases, and third parties which have been granted permission by MUIDS for the purposes of promotion of education-related content.
- In cases in which published media, whether in online or print form, utilizes extensive interviews with students, further consent will be sought from the parents of those students.
Online Enrollment for Prospective Students
MUIDS needs to process (collect, use, store and ultimately destroy) your personal data for various academic, educational and administrative purposes. This data is collected on a separate internal custom platform: https://muidsadmission.mahidol.ac.th/#/
MUIDS stores student data on this platform temporarily until a student is admitted into the school at which point all their personal-data is transferred to the PowerSchool System. Regardless of whether prospective student is enrolled into the school the personal data on this system is responsibly destroyed post each Admissions Cycle to ensure the privacy of MUID’s Stakeholders. Like all of MUIDS’s Systems the Admissions platform is also updated regularly and is maintained on-premise. Personal Data stored on the admissions platform is only available to the relevant MUIDS employees responsible for deciding admissions and is never shared to 3rd parties.
Generally, the personal data that we collect and process, includes but is not limited to:
- Full name
- Identification number (ID card) / Passport number
- Address
- Contact Details
- Gender
- Date of birth
- Previous Qualifications / Education History
- Personal email Address
- Photographs
- Marital Status
- Emergency contact person(s) details
- Family / guardian information
Special Category Data
At times some of the personal data that we process may include what is defined as “sensitive personal data” under the PDPA. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Race
- Religion
- Health Records
- Academic Records
- Records of misconduct and disciplinary actions
- Recors of crimial offence
How Is Your Data Collected?
Most, if not all, of your personal data was obtained from you directly, either from the following sources or from any other information you provided and this may include:
- Enquiries to the school
- Various applications and registration forms
- All other school and services-related request forms
- Previous qualifications, certificates and similar documents
How Is Your Data Used?
The purpose for which personal data is collected and further processed includes, but not limited to the following:
- To process applications for admission
- Granting access to Mahidol University Services, I.e., MU-WIFI, Google Account, Office 365 Account, and Library services.
- To communicate with students and parents in respect to any important announcements, including matters relating academics, progress and health.
- To maintain students’ personal details, academic and non-academic records.
- To provide relevant administrative support and counseling services.
- To manage the use of facilities such as library, computer systems, standardized testing (MAPS, AP), etc.
- To conduct graduation events
- To invoice tuition fees and other payments
- To contact students’ legal guardian in case of emergencies
- To comply with any regulatory, audit or security-related requirements
Right to Access
You have the right to access and correct your personal information held by MUIDS under the PDPA. For all currently enrolled students and their respective parents and legal guardians – MUIDS stores your data on its School Information System (PowerSchool); The school encourages both students and parents to frequently consult PowerSchool, and notify the school in the event there is outdated information.
If you would like to further discuss the policies described above, have any questions, concerns, or comments, or if you have any issues accessing your data held by MUIDS please reach out to the Technology Coordinator;
Mr. Task H
Technology Coordinator