Plant Kits for Garden-based Learning Project with MUIC
MUIDS has been working on a project-based learning in Biology class with Mahidol University International College (MUIC) for the past months. Our Grade 10 students have been studying with MUIC scientists and laboratory assistant mentors in a hand-on learning environment.
The novel cooperative program was created to instruct students on not only plant biology, but also the scientific method, ecology, quantitative data collection, and how to care for living plants, all while improving the English expression in multimedia format by journaling regularly.
Aside from that, on October 24th, 2023, the students set-off on a one-day Biophilia field trip to Sireepark, on the Mahidol University Salaya campus, to investigate the relationship of plants with humans and the natural environment as they were guided through various activity stations, including the Herbal Medicine exhibition showcase, Biodiversity Aesthetic nature walk and exploration, and DIY Nature Sensory Bottle.
We’d like to shout out a big thank you to Mr. Laird Allan and the Science Division of MUIC for a fantastic collaboration of plant kits for a garden-based learning project!