On Friday December 9th 2022 MUIDS saw a great turn out for our first post-pandemic parent's workshops. With over 40 parents attending, it was great to see us all back together in a room learning about how a teenager's brain works.
The workshop was opened by school director Emeritus Professor Dr. Wariya Chinwanno who expressed warm words of welcome to our parents as well as introduced our honored guest speaker, Nootchanart Ruksee, Ph.D, Deputy Director of Research & Lecturer & Neuroscience specialist from the National Institute for Child and Family Development, Mahidol University.
The workshop was followed by a brief Q&A session where parents held the floor and asked a series of questions that related to raising a teen in today's world.
We will host our second Parents Workshop in 2023. Details to be confirmed but tentatively it will be held last week of January or first week of February from 2:00 to 3:30 pm. Topic will be Safeguarding at MUIDS - practices and policies. This informative meeting and discussion will be facilitated by Deputy Director of Student Services, Mr. Simon Gauci.