

The MUIDS curriculum sets six educational goals for students. These goals are known as the ESLO’s (Expected Schoolwide Learner Outcomes). They shape students’ understanding of what they learn at MUIDS and help them develop the skills and character they need to become effective and ethical leaders.

Grade 10

Grade 10 classes mark a crucial stage in a student’s academic journey, providing a comprehensive curriculum as a strong foundation for future success. Core subjects such as Mathematics, Science, English, and Social Studies continue to be the focus, while elective courses allow students to explore their passions and interests.Our Grade 10 classes offer the support and resources needed for students to excel academically and personally, setting them on the path to a bright and promising future.

Grade 11

Grade 11 classes usher students into the advanced stages of their high school education. Building on the foundations laid in the previous year, students delve deeper into core subjects and often have the opportunity to enroll in Advanced Placement (AP), providing a more challenging and in-depth curriculum. Elective courses become more specialized, allowing students to tailor their education to their interests and career goals.

Grade 12

In grade 12, the final year of high school, students consolidate their knowledge, fine-tune their skills, and make important decisions about their future. Grade 12 is a time for celebrating achievements, reflecting on personal growth, and preparing to transition to higher education or the professional world. Our Grade 12 classes provide the guidance and support needed to transition into this exciting next chapter of life.

MUIDS' Expected Schoolwide Learner Outcomes

Strategic Learners

The 21st century is already an era of constant and rapid change. Tomorrow’s economy will be very different from today’s. No one is certain what that economy will look like. What everyone is certain of is the need for students to learn how to reinvent themselves in a constantly changing world. Students at MUIDS learn how to meet these challenges by becoming strategic learners who can recognize what is important to know, understand how to reflect on their own mistakes and find ways to improve, and are able to independently learn complex and challenging material.

They develop these skills by setting individual learning goals in their e-portfolios which are are electronic collections of work they’ve created in their classes. It allows them to measure their academic progress, identify areas of instruction where they need help, and make improvements for the future.

This work culminates in an individual capstone project, a personalized learning experience where students develop a question they want to answer, then conduct research in both an academic and real-world setting before reporting their findings to members of the MUIDS faculty. Students graduate from MUIDS empowered and able to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Innovative Thinkers

Innovation occurs when students discover connections between different disciplines. MUIDS has created a culture of collaboration that empowers students to discover connections between different subjects. They learn to see the Sciences and Humanities not as separate subjects, but as complements of each other. Knowledge is no longer seen as the province of one subject, but rather as a set of ideas frequently shared and built upon by different people who work in different fields. Students find new life in ideas they once saw as old and irrelevant.

These discoveries are the product of frequent collaboration between MUIDS’ faculty. Teachers from different subjects plan lessons together and draw inspiration from one another. They share not only best-practices, but also knowledge from their own disciplines in an effort to help students explicitly draw connections between different subjects.

Students gain proficiency in a topic in one class, share their understanding with a class from another subject, and take ideas they’ve learned back to their fellow students. This process breaks down barriers between subjects and helps students understand the benefits of open-ended inquiry and intellectual curiosity, two skills that are vital for success in the 21st century.

Articulate Communicators

The world of today expects its leaders to communicate with many types of people from many different backgrounds. MUIDS prepares its students for this challenge by teaching them how to read, listen, speak, and write for different purposes in different situations, explain what they understand and how they understand it to a variety of different groups, and to use technology to clarify, explain, and distribute their ideas in a responsible and ethical manner.

Within the classroom, students engage in a variety of activities to grow their communication skills. They learn how to read critically and for comprehension as they interpret complicated texts for depth and meaning. They learn how to share their thoughts in discussions by listening to different perspectives, developing arguments of their own, and maintaining an open mind.

Outside the classroom they practice different forms of communication through various extracurricular activities, clubs, and school wide events, developing a broader awareness of how different groups of people communicate as well as how to bridge those differences.

Morally Intelligent Persons

Empathy, or the ability to imagine someone else’s perspective, is the the main building block for creating a morally intelligent person. Students at MUIDS are frequently asked to empathize with different figures from history and literature in their classes, with people from backgrounds different from their own, and with each other.

They are required to earn at least twenty community service hours per year and spend considerable time working with non-government organizations as well as with people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Serving others in this manner teaches them the value of compassion and cultivates a deeper awareness of challenges facing their communities.

MUIDS’ counselors help students become morally intelligent with classroom presentations about interpersonal communication, personal safety, and ethical decision making. These presentations give students opportunities to discuss issues they’re facing in a safe and supportive environment as well as how to set appropriate boundaries in their relationships, how to respond in situations where they feel unsafe, and how to make the right choices in difficult situations.

Altruistic Global Citizens

Universities and the workforce expect today’s professionals to work with people from all nations. MUIDS helps students meet this standard by teaching them the value of different cultures throughout the world. They learn how to suspend judgement and show respect for people from other countries, how to interpret their own behavior through the perspective of other cultures, and to recognize the value inherent in every person, regardless of where that person comes from.

In addition to studying Thai Language and Culture, students at MUIDS are required to take various courses that examine the history, geography, and culture of the world’s nations, studying their development over time and drawing universal lessons in the process.

Students develop a global perspective outside the classroom as well, primarily through extracurricular activities and exchange programs with other international schools. Their interactions with students from other cultures broadens their perspectives.

Leadership for the future

Students at MUIDS develop leadership skills by learning how to set manageable goals, listening to members of their group in order to build consensus, motivating them to take action, and setting examples worth following. In order to practice these skills, students are given a considerable degree of autonomy to craft their educational goals and create extracurricular activities for the student body.

Counselors, teachers, and administrators provide necessary support for them throughout their high school career. However, students are quickly expected to make decisions for themselves so that may learn how to manage their own affairs as well as the affairs of others.

Outside the classroom, students learn how to lead through a variety of activities. They participate in MUIDS’ annual Week Without Walls, a weeklong field trip that forces students to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to solve real world problems. The school’s ROTC program not only lets them fulfill their military service requirement; it lets them experience the difficult choices leaders have to make when choosing between the needs of an important objective and the welfare of the people they have to lead. Extracurricular activities such as Junior Achievement and Model United Nations offer similar opportunities as well.

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