Academic Profile
Academic Profile
MUIDS is a co-educational secondary school for grade 10 to 12. The school was founded in 2013 under the direction of Mahidol University. The school offers a challenging curriculum designed around both Thai and American educational standards. Students who graduate from MUIDS receive a Thai high school certificate and an American diploma.
MUIDS is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) for the period 2024 to 2030.

The academic curriculum at MUIDS is the only one of its kind in Thailand. It is based on the Content Standards for California Public Schools, the Thailand Ministry of Education Content Standards for Basic Education, and the Thai Language and Culture Content Standards for International Schools from the Office of Private Education Commission. This curriculum allows MUIDS students to attend Thai university programs as well as international programs and universities abroad.
The academic program is organized on a period schedule. Classes are year-long; each period meets anywhere from one to five times a week. The students will earn a minimum of 81 credits through the Thailand Ministry of Education curriculum; 27 credits per year is the minimum course load. Students take six 60-minute periods per day, five days a week, with clubs starting during “Period 8.”