

The departments at MUIDS favor a collaborative approach to instruction. Rather than treating each subject as distinct and separate, teachers at MUIDS work together to help students find common ideas across subjects, helping them develop a level of critical thinking and creativity needed to succeed in the 21st century.


The science program, built around laboratory-based activity, offers students the opportunity to explore about the world they live in, to develop scientific knowledge and skills in order to make personal decisions, and to make progress and solve problems in their community, country, and the world.


The English courses are designed to encourage an interest in various forms of quality literature and writing. The aims of the English program are to

  1. Enable students to communicate effectively through the development of wellorganized thought processes and by improving their oral and written composition
  2. Develop students’ English competence to enable them to meet the MUIDS Content Standards of English and obtain the required TOEFL and SAT English scores

The mathematics program, presenting a balanced combination of important processes and proficiencies, aims to teach students how to

  • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
  • Reason abstractly and quantitatively
  • Use appropriate tools strategically.
  • Attend to precision
  • Look for and make use of structure 

The Social Science courses are designed to develop

  • Chronological and spatial thinking
  • An understanding of current world issues and relating them to their historical,
    geographical, political, economic, and cultural contexts
  • A deeper understanding of oneself and others; how one feels, thinks, acts, and
    reacts to certain stimuli

Thai studies program is designed to meet the requirements of the Thai Ministry of
Education. Thai students are required to take the following courses

  • Thai language/literature course
  • Thai history course
  • Thai geography course

Non-Thai students are required to take the following courses

  • Thai literacy course I
  • Thai literacy course II
  • Thai culture course

The aims of the department are to:

  • Motivate and encourage each student to think and work in an individualistic,
    imaginative, and constructive manner
  • Enhance students’ understanding of the importance of arts and their application in number of careers; namely, advertising, designing, media consultant, and teaching.

The program is designed to be
activity-oriented, informative and enjoyable. Students will be exposed to many different challenges in a variety of physical activities. The ultimate goal is for students to use physical education to develop a healthy lifestyle physically, mentally, and socially.


The aim of the program is for students to use technology in real life in an ethical way:

  • To learn, research, and work
  • To solve problems and complete tasks with creative thinking
  • To create a range of practical, artistic, and intellectual products of high quality
  • To share ideas and communicate with others
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